Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lawcourt Trip

I went to the law court trip, brought by Chinese Language Society.
I went there with other members.

The law court is Mahkamah Sesyen which is situated at opposite of Mahkamah Tinggi.
We had be there since 8.30am
But we started watching to the cases at 10am
So bored to be sitting there.

When we were in the 1st court, somebody said that:
To protect the attestor of the rape case, we are not allowed to listen, so he brought us to another court.

At the next court, I saw my x-neighbour who is the judiciary,
but she didn't see me.
But today I saw her and told her I saw her yesterday.

In the case which my x-neighbour be the judiciary, I could see 2 lawyer and they were asking question to the inspector.
The case is a lorry which is not function stopped at the road side and placed a warning board to warn other to be careful, but there was a cats and dogs rain, a motorcycle rider knocked into the lorry, and the motorcycle rider died. The family of the motorcycle rider are trying to claim insurance.

The lawyers asked about
-how the situation of the scene after the inspector arrived
-where is the lorry when the accident happened
-can we see clearly in the heavy rain
-did the road incline
-how damaged of the lorry and motorcycle
-situation of the road

After these all, the inspector left, and the case finished.
So we went back.

It is a most valuable experience for me.
Actually, we are be able to enter the court to listen/study to the cases at any time.
I think I will suggest to go to the court if I am free.

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